It has been a week since we launched the open beta of BlueSky and we are excited to share a few updates with you!
New Features
The feedback we have received thus far has been both positive and useful. Because of the feedback we received last week, we were able to fix a handful of bugs in the beta and identify a few new features that we wanted to make sure to include as a part of the beta update once it launches.
The first feature allows for users to be able to identify those members of the meeting group that they do not want to be visible on the agenda. When editing your meeting group (or meeting) participants, there is now a “Hide From Agenda” role that allows those you specify to be invisible. This is useful when you have someone who you’d like to have access to your meetings, like a secretary or administrator, but who doesn’t officially attend or participate in the meetings.
The second feature allows you to mark multiple users as “Site Administrators.” Additionally, the “Superuser” (first user created in BlueSky) can now be added as participants to meeting groups meaning that the account administrators do not need to have multiple accounts (one for administrative tasks and one for attending a meeting).
We still need your feedback!
The feedback we have received back has been helpful, and we hope to have more of our users go in and test their BlueSky account in the beta. By logging in and viewing your previous meeting data, you can point out any issues allowing us to fix it before launch. Additionally, the feedback you provide regarding the new features will help us determine what changes are needed to make them easier to use. If you need help accessing the beta, you can find a link at the top of your BlueSky instance after logging in.
As always feel free to leave ideas for new features via the ideas portal. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, you can reach out to via